There is a various assortments of debris behind my apartment complex. I ventured behind my apartment for this assignment to see what sort of items I might be able to find there. Among a blue bag with a comforter in it, two abandoned bikes, and a thousand shards of broken glass, I found items to compose into the following sculptures.
Rocky Road Traffic Cone
For this debris drawing I used two cinderblocks, a traffic cone, a plastic ball, and two bricks that had been strewn about behind the back of my apartment. I stacked the cinderblocks on top of one another, then placed the traffic cone upside down through the opening. To prevent the ball from falling through the opening, I stacked two bricks inside the cone then placed the ball on top.
Debris Drawing #2
For this drawing, I used a wooden platform behind my apartment complex, a garden hose, and a wilting plant. I uncoiled the gardening hose and draped it around the platform, letting it coil naturally as it pleased. I then placed the wilting plant in front of the end of the hose, to further emphasize its lack of water.
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